Rafal Brzoska Foundation supports talented young people from all over Poland, providing them with academic scholarships and giving them the opportunity to develop at Oxford, Cambridge, Yale, Wharton School of Management in Pennsylvania or New York University, among others. We grouped our 26 mentees into 5 categories – INNOVATION, ENTREPRENEURSHIP, MEDICINE, SCIENCE and ART. The annual cost of education for all scholarship recipients is about PLN 4 million.
We decided to organize a unique meeting of the scholarship recipients and mentors of our foundation. It’s hard to believe, but this was our first “live” meeting. And right after this event, we organized a unique surprise for our mentees – a visit to the residence of the US Ambassador to Poland, Marek Brzezinski and his partner, Olga Leonowicz. Mr. Ambassador approached the meeting with RBF’s scholarship recipients enthusiastically, because in his opinion – like ours – investment in the education of the young is the key to a better future.